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Power back in Toronto buyers' hands

Dig through the clutter of statistics — of sales declines, project launches, economic growth forecasts, volatile investment markets — and the future for Toronto condominium sales does not look bad at all. In fact, according to a number of industry experts, we are probably heading into a buyers' market.

"I think we are getting back to the days when sales people in new condo projects can't just be order-takers," says Barry Lyon of N. Barry Lyon Consulting Ltd.. "Buyers are no longer going to be numbers on a chart. Developers are going to have to be a lot more innovative and offer incentives to make sales.

"I can see the next six months as being a great opportunity for new condo buyers."

See full story in the Toronto Globe and Mail »

November 14, 2008 in Buying Toronto Real Estate | Permalink


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i agree on the articles its really in time that buyers get back lifts the toronto real estate market

Posted by: downtown toronto condo | Nov 26, 2008 4:49:29 AM

This article is a good way of viewing the current changes in the Toronto Canada real estate market. Buyers now have greater negotiating strength, greater options, and greater buying power. Canadian house sellers, their real estate agents and realtors will simply have to do more to get the prices they want.

Posted by: Canada Real Estate Blog | Nov 19, 2008 2:26:29 PM

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