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Toronto Commercial Real Estate
Almost 900,000 Square Feet Leased In November
Toronto Real Estate Board Members reported another active month, with 895,632 square feet of space leased through the TorontoMLS system, Commercial Council Chair Garry Lander announced today. "This is a nine per cent increase over October's figure of 821,889."
Industrial space continued to trade within a narrow range in November, averaging $5.63 sfn for all size categories. Commercial/Retail space traded for $14.63 sfn, also within its standard range.
Sales and Market Highlights
In November, TREB Members recorded 71 sales on Industrial/Commercial properties, of which 37 were Industrial properties in all size categories these averaged $137.32 per square foot. Which compares to a price of $96.30 per square foot derived from Non-MLS sources.
See Full Report [in PDF format].
December 10, 2007 in Toronto Real Estate Update | Permalink
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