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Home Buyers' Fearbusters

No worries. Though buying a house can be stressful, fears can be calmed with a little homework and information.

Fear: Help! Everyone has advice for me. I'm going to be overwhelmed by all the things I need to know — I'll never get a house!
Fearbuster: Take a deep breath. Remember that other people have been through this, and they survived. And purchased a house. There are lots of people out there to help, from family members who have done it before, to professional real estate resources, to RealEstatePlus. Information is your friend — the more homework you, the easier the whole process will be.

Fear: The neighborhood’s cool, the homes are well-maintained, and I’ve found several I like. But the housing market means prices are just beyond my budget! Will I ever find a place to call my own?
Fearbuster: Broaden your search. If housing prices in that hip zip are too hot to handle, consider looking in nearby neighborhoods. They’re often overlooked, underpriced, and poised to benefit from the reflective glow.

Fear: The perfect home is always sold the week before I started looking!
Fearbuster: Sit down with your real estate agent and review your description of what you’re looking for in light of the kinds of homes you’ve seen so far. Were there homes you initially ruled out that might be worth a second look? For example, could you do without a separate family room if that brought the price of a home within your range? And keep looking. The perfect home may be just around the corner.

Fear: I'm looking for an agent, and I want to find one who will help me get the best deal. But there are so many agents after my business that I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong one, and the seller will have the upper hand.
Fearbuster: You want to do some homework when picking an agent. It’s especially important to have a list of questions to ask. Don't be shy about asking questions and you'll be fine. Inspect what you expect. Many agents will tout that they have great internet marketing....check to see they do. An agent web site is simply not enough.

Fear: I'll choose an agent who won't pay any attention to me.
Fearbuster: Interview at least three agents before making your choice. And don't hesitate to ask your friends for referrals — they've been through it. Many agents will talk a good talk. Check and see what they say is true. Look at one of their listings on mls.ca. Does the listing have multiple photos and an accurate description? If not, move on. If they offer an excuse....move on. Do you want excuses from a professional?

Fear: What if the seller turns us down flat?
Fearbuster: Barring an insane seller’s market, if you and your agent have presented a reasonable offer, backed by a strong market analysis , the seller should be willing at least to make a counter offer. If not, there’s nothing you can do except resume shopping — and be glad you won’t be dealing with someone who likely would’ve given you weeks of misery and then probably quashed the deal anyway. The good news is: Your new home must actually still be out there.

Fear: I want the house, but I'll have to give up too much to get it!
Fearbuster: Figure out what is really important to you about the house; that becomes your baseline negotiating point. Concentrate on that, and you will find you can probably live without some of the other conditions.

Fear: I hate, I mean hate, confrontation. I'm worried that the seller will hate me if I negotiate.
Fearbuster: The seller probably won't accept your first offer, but it doesn't mean they don't like you! Think of it as a conversation, rather than an argument. Identify what kind of market you are in, equip yourself with a few negotiation techniques, and then build in as many (or as few) conditions as you think will be accepted.

Fear: Yikes, now I have a $250,000 mortgage. What if I lose my job, they foreclose on my house, and my life is ruined!
Fearbuster: Putting money aside for a rainy day is easier said than done — particularly when you have just made the biggest investment of your life. Begin to squirrel away emergency funds and even open a line of credit, if you qualify, so you’ll have funds to get you through a rough patch.

Fear: What happens if the seller accepts my offer but my financing falls through or I lose my job?
Fearbuster: The contract should contain contingency clauses designed to make it possible for you to pull out of the deal and get your deposit refunded. A standard condition is that your mortgage loan must be approved (committed to by the lender). If you lose your job after you get a committment you will still get the financing.

Fear: I may be buying into a declining market, in which case my hard earned down payment could be quickly wiped out.
Fearbuster: Do your homework, find a real estate agent that knows the area you are looking in and has been in the business for a few years. A good place to find an agent is usually through friends, family, or co-workers. Good agents will usually know how the market trends have been in their area, and have attended many educational courses giving them a strong outlook on the real estate market. In addition, a good agent should be able to answer your questions or concerns. If they are unable to answer your questions, keep looking until you find an agent you are comfortable with.

August 15, 2007 in Buying Toronto Real Estate | Permalink


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Posted by: Mathew | Sep 11, 2007 1:48:39 AM

What is a "hip zip"? [If housing prices in that hip zip are too...] Does this refer to zip codes in the U.S.A.?

Posted by: Bill | Sep 7, 2007 1:28:41 PM

Great article. It is amazing how the same fears are present in different market areas.

Posted by: John Sabia | Aug 15, 2007 1:30:56 PM

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