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Real Estate Forms On-line

The Working Group and Ontario Real Estate Association announce new alliance to put standard forms online

The Working Group on Lawyers and Real Estate today announced a new alliance with the Ontario Real Estate Association that gives Ontario's real estate lawyers instant online access to the standard real estate forms that are currently used for property transactions.

Under the new alliance between The Working Group and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), English and French e-versions of six standard real estate transaction forms used for residential and commercial property deals in the province will now be made available online, as facilitated by LawyerDoneDeal Corp. of Toronto. Access to the forms is available at www.lawyersworkinggroup.com.

The standard forms, which can be completed and revised online, securely viewed by others involved in a transaction, printed out or saved to a desktop, include:

"The Working Group and OREA have joined forces to make these key documents available online, giving Ontario's real estate lawyers access to a faster, more efficient transaction process," said Maurizio Romanin, President of LawyerDoneDeal Corp. "With online forms, everyone involved in the property deal will now be on the same page at the same time - it's a new way to transact deals and the benefits will be obvious."

The availability of online forms will deliver immediate benefits both for real estate practitioners and the buyers and sellers that they serve, said Lou Radomsky, Outside Counsel for OREA's Standard Forms Committee.

"This is a real step forward that will let people serving the entire real estate industry work better, faster and smarter," said Radomsky. "Now, regardless of the type of deal, you'll have instant access to the forms you need to process and finalize the sale for your client. It is faster and more reliable. And with the forms now online, each can be updated or revised seamlessly to address any new issues of the day."

Ray Leclair, co-chair of The Working Group, said this latest initiative involving OREA, The Working Group and LawyerDoneDeal will ultimately result in better service for members of the public involved in real estate transactions.

"The Working Group is pleased to partner with OREA to provide Ontario's real estate lawyers with new ways to increase their efficiency and deliver better service to the Ontario public," Leclair said. "The Working Group will continue to pursue significant new ways to assist lawyers who want to give their clients the highest levels of service possible."

Details on the new alliance between The Working Group and OREA are available online at www.lawyersworkinggroup.com. Information on LDD's complete services are available at www.lawyerdonedeal.com.

April 11, 2007 in Agency Matters | Permalink


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That's great. A system that would literally take a day to develop, test and put online. No doubt all the excitement is about limiting access, making sure their cartel and pet developer (LawyerDoneDeal) has exclusive rights.

Posted by: davidm | Apr 11, 2007 10:58:48 AM

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