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Commercial real estate trends

The Canadian commercial real estate market surpassed expectations in 2006. The trend is expected to continue in 2007, but the market could overheat.

For commercial real estate in Canada, 2006 was one of the best years of the last decade, but trouble could be brewing as construction costs escalate, according to The Barnicke Report - Global Views 2007.

Key trends observed by market segment across Canada in 2006 included:

"The pessimists who believed 2006 might have troubled times missed out. There is nothing on the horizon that would suggest 2007 will not be another good year for the commercial real estate industry," says Joseph J. Barnicke, Chairman. "However, there is an over supply of dollars for investment, and construction costs are escalating - in some areas up to 30%. If construction costs rise to the point where market rents cannot justify building, there will be added pressure as demand outpaces supply."

The report was produced by J.J. Barnicke, Canada's largest independently owned commercial real estate brokerage.

February 27, 2007 in Canadian Market Forecast | Permalink


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