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Building American Cities

Book Review: The Urban Real Estate Game

This is a volatile story of social conflict that rends the very fabric of American society, but in the end gives shape to our urban centers. This second edition is the startling story of how American cities emerge, grow, change, contract, decay, and become resuscitated. With keen insight, the authors analyze urban social processes, such as migration to suburbia and the effect of foreign capital investment on U.S. real estate ventures.

Examining patterns in the location, development, financing, and construction decisions of small and large corporations, the book looks at the interplay of industrial and development corporations with various levels of government. In addition to political aspects, it reflects on the social costs of unbridled urban growth and decline, pollution, wasted energy, congestion, and the negative impact on minorities.

Published by Beard Books. For more information see www.beardbooks.com.

January 31, 2007 in Good Real Estate Books | Permalink


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thanks for sharing the info. also please suggest some good real estate books to read.

Posted by: commercial space rent gurgaon | Sep 25, 2009 8:32:43 AM

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